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Fange D, Elf J (2006) Noise-Induced Min Phenotypes in E. coli. PLoS Comput Biol 2(6): e80. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020080
%matplotlib inline
from ecell4 import *
from ecell4_base.core import *
from ecell4_base import meso
Declaring Species
and ReactionRule
with species_attributes():
D | DE | {"D": 0.01, "location": "M"}
D_ADP | D_ATP | E | {"D": 2.5, "location": "C"}
with reaction_rules():
D_ATP + M > D | 0.0125
D_ATP + D > D + D | 9e+6 * (1e+15 / N_A)
D + E > DE | 5.58e+7 * (1e+15 / N_A)
DE > D_ADP + E | 0.7
D_ADP > D_ATP | 0.5
m = get_model()
Make a World
. The second argument, 0.05
, means its subvolume length:
w = meso.World(Real3(4.6, 1.1, 1.1), 0.05)
Make a structures. Species
is for cytoplasm, and M
is for membrane:
rod = Rod(3.5, 0.55, w.edge_lengths() * 0.5)
w.add_structure(Species("C"), rod)
w.add_structure(Species("M"), rod.surface())
Throw-in molecules:
w.add_molecules(Species("D_ATP"), 2001)
w.add_molecules(Species("D_ADP"), 2001)
w.add_molecules(Species("E"), 1040)
Run a simulation for 120 seconds. Two Observer
s below are for logging. obs1
logs only the number of molecules, and obs2
does a whole state of the World
sim = meso.Simulator(w)
obs1 = FixedIntervalNumberObserver(0.1, [sp.serial() for sp in m.list_species()])
obs2 = FixedIntervalHDF5Observer(1.0, 'minde%03d.h5')
duration = 120, (obs1, obs2))
Visualize the final state of the World
plotting.plot_world(w, species_list=('D', 'DE'))
Plot a time course of the number of molecules:
plotting.plot_movie(obs2, species_list=('D', 'DE'))
[ ]: